What is Random Awesomeness by David?

Random Awesomeness by David is dedicated to all things in life that put a smile on our face and makes life a little more enjoyable.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Weekly Random Top 8 List - February 27, 2009

This week's Random Top 8 List has been inspired by Slumdog Millionaire's big Oscar win this past Sunday. I expect Slumdog Millionaire to soon be a "Rewatchable Movie" What is a "Rewatchable Movie"? It is a movie that can be rewatched over and over again and never gets old, it actually gets better. There are so many movies that fall into this category that it was very difficult to narrow down to eight.

I came up with a strict guideline to determine a "Rewatchable Movie":

1) The movie somehow gets better ever time you watch it. You notice something or pickup something different every time you watch it.
2) The movie has the same emotional effect every time you watch it. Makes you laugh, cry, etc.
3) The movie can be found on HBO 1-8, TBS, TNT, Bravo, USA, Comedy Central, AMC, TCM, A&E, Encore Channels, On-Demand Channels, or any of the Major Networks at least once a month.
4) Every time the movie comes on you feel obligated to watch regardless of what you are doing. It is possible to watch two rewatchable movies and a football game at the same time, just ask Marcy.
5) Quotes from the movie become part of everyday conversation
6) The movie isn't part of any of the following series: Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, Rocky, Die Hard, American Pie, Kevin Smith Films, The Matrix, National Lampoon, Jason Bourne, James Bond, and Indiana Jones.

Top 8 "Rewatchable Movies"

8 - The Breakfast Club - This movie officially put John Hughes on the map. It's such a simple concept for a movie, 5 random students spending a Saturday in detention. We can all related to one of the characters in this film. I personally related to Allison (Ally Sheedy's character) I'm not a nympho manic, I'm just a compulsive liar. If you ever spent time in detention it really is like that. If you miss with the bull you will get the horns.

7 - Casino - I swear this movie is on every 3 days on one of the listed channels and every time it comes on I feel obligated to watch. This is one of 6 movies Joe Pesci and Robert De Niro have been in together. Can you name the rest? First to comment with the correct answer, I will buy you a beer. I love the Kansas City connection to this movie. If you haven't seen the movie or know the real story. Kansas City was the middleman between Las Vegas and the main bosses on the east coast.

6 - Swingers - The movie that gave us Vince Vaughn and highlights the greatest sports video game of all time NHL 94. "Watch I'm going to make Gretzky bleed." I still have never been to Vegas but when I do I'm going to walk around in a suit just so someone can come up to me and tell me, "You're so money and you don't even know it" and "Who's a big winner?" If you haven't seen this movie the basic plot is a bunch of guys trying to pick up chicks. I developed most of my game from this movie and it helped me land Marcy. "This place is dead, lets bail"

5 - Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy - The first time I saw this movie, I absolutely hated it. I didn't even think it was that funny. But then I saw it again and it was funny. Then you watch it again and it becomes funnier. Now every time I watch this film my stomach hurts from laughing. The best scene is when Jack Black kicks Baxter of the bridge. "That's how I roll" Did you know that San Diego is spanish for whale's vagina? This movie officially launched Steve Carell into super stardom.

4 - Castaway - TBS and TNT officially take turns playing this movie once a month. I don't know what it is about this movie but every time it's on I can't turn away from it. It sucks me in. I've always had a fascination with being stuck on a deserted island. Lost, Survivor, Gilligan's Island, Lord of the Flies, I can't get enough. This movie taught me if I ever need to remove a tooth all I need is a rock and an ice skate. Just a brutal scene. I don't know why but when "Wilson" floats away, it gets me every time. If I ever do get stuck on a deserted island I will be prepared and hopefully I can lose some weight in the process.

3 - The Shawshank Redemption - Currently www.imdb.com most popular movie. I remember Jason Spacek dragged Damien Smith and myself to go see this because he had to review it for the school paper. None of us had any idea what this movie was about and we expected the worse. I remember at the end of the movie we just sat there for awhile because none of us new what to say because we were so blown away. "Get busy living, or get busy dying"

2 - Office Space - This cult classic is almost a prerequisite to work at a corporation. Scenes from this movie are recreated on a daily basis at offices across the globe. This movie introduce me to the term, "A** Clown" The most genius thing about this movie is the use of gangsta rap for the soundtrack. The whole movie is quotable. I don't even know what else to say except, Ummmmmm.....Yeah...That would be great. Have some fun with this site. http://www.phydiux.com/bill_lumbergh_soundboard.cfm

1 - The Godfather Part 1 and 2 - I consider The Godfather Part 1 and Part 2 as one complete movie. I first want to say that I'm very disappoint that my friend Jason Spacek has never seen this movie. Especially since I'm the godfather to his youngest daughter and he is the godfather to my daughter. Since he has never seen it I can't make any Godfather references with him. Anyways, I seriously have seen this movie at least 573 times and I always see or pick up something new. "Don't ask me about my business"

Saturday, February 21, 2009

The Settlers of Catan

"Yes, I have wood!"

Settle down, I'm not trying to be a big pervert, Marcy and I just back from playing in The Settlers of Catan Bowl IV. This is a fun board game we like to play with our friends and family. If you don't know what The Settlers of Catan is you should just do a little Google search and see what all the excitement is about. The Settlers of Catan is a board game in which the goal is to build settlements and cities by producing resources and building roads. Sounds amazing, right? I thought it sounded pretty lame too when I was introduced to it but once you sit down and play it is a pretty awesome board game.

Several things make it awesome. The first thing is that the game board will always be different every time you play. The board is randomly built before each game. Your strategy will change base on how the board is laid out. This brings me to the second awesome thing about Catan, there are several different strategies to winning. You can focus on spreading out your settlements to collect all the different resources, work on building the biggest road or army, or just monopolize one resource and use that to your advantage. The ways of winning are endless. The third thing that makes the game awesome is that you have to barter and trade with each other to be able to build your items. This is the best part of the game. You can't win by counting on yourself you need the other players you are competing against to help you out.

If you looking for some good classic fun, I highly recommend you check out The Settlers of Catan.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Ryan Started The Fire

This is an amazing video. Can't believe someone has time to put this together.

If you have never seen The Office I hope this video we inspire you to do so.

Random Top 8 List - February 20, 2009

Well its the time again for another Random Top 8 List and this will be the first of many list dedicated to my favorite yellow family, The Simpsons. The Simpsons made news this week by officially changing their iconic opening sequence for the first time in twenty years. Plus the episode was the first to be televised in HD and you could definitely tell the difference. http://www.hulu.com/watch/57855/the-simpsons-take-my-life-please

If you didn't know I'm a huge fan of The Simpsons so I had to think long and hard about what my first Simpsons Top 8 list would be and then I realized the Oscars are this Sunday, Instant Inspiration: Oscar winners who have been a guest star on The Simpsons. Had a lot of fun doing the research on this one.

Before I get to the list here my Oscar Picks:
Best Picture - "Slumdog Millionaire" - An amazing movie that has jumped in my top 10 all time movies

Best Actor - Mickey Rourke - "The Wrestler" - I think Sean Penn might win though

Best Actress - Didn't see any of these performances so I'm going with Anne Hathaway because I got to see her boobs in "Brokeback Mountain"

Best Supporting Actor - Heath Ledger "The Dark Night- For obvious reasons

Best Supporting Actress - Taraji P. Hensen "Benjamin Button" Even though I didn't like this movie I thought she did a great job

Best Director - Danny Boyle "Slumdog Millionaire" Have you seen the movie? Go see it!

Best Screenplay - WALL-E - very original

Other awards who cares...I see a bunch of the tech, makeup, costume, etc awards going to Benjamin Button

Top 8 Oscar Winners Who Have Been a Guest Star on The Simpsons:

8 - Dustin Hoffman / Mr Bergstrom - Dustin has one two Oscars (Kramer vs. Kramer and Rain Man) He played a substitute teacher that Lisa falls in love with. This was just an okay episode for me.

7 - Susan Sarandon / The Ballet Teacher - Susan won for Dead Man Walking. She was Bart's ballet teacher. Bart had to do ballet because he skipped the "gym sign up day" and ballet was the only thing left. Bart ends up becoming a ballet prodigy and wows his classmate as the mysterious masked dancer. Once they find out it's Bart, the whole school turns on him.

6 - Marissa Tomei / Sarah Sloane - Marissa won for My Cousin Vinny. She played a famous actress who tries to escape Hollywood and decides to hide out in Springfield. While their she meets Ned Flanders and they fell in love. The Simpsons basically ripped off the entire plot from the movie, Notting Hill.

5 - Kirk Douglas / Chester J. Lampwick - Technically didn't win but he did just recently receive a Lifetime Achievement Award. This Hollywood legend played the original creator of Itchy and Scatchy and more importantly created the whole concept of cartoon violence. Love this quote, "I don't need any more money, I'm not greedy. As long as I've got my health, and my millions of dollars and my gold house and my rocket car, I don't need anything else."

4 - Jack Lemon / Frank Ormand - This Grumpy Old Man won twice (Mister Roberts and Save the Tiger.) Frank Ormand is more commonly known as the Pretzel Guy. He sells Marge a pretzel franchise which becomes a huge business with help from Fat Tony.

3 - Meryl Streep / Jessica Lovejoy - Meryl won twice(Kramer vs. Kramer and Sophie's Choice) She also has had the most nominations then any other actor. Meryl famously plays the daughter of Rev. Lovejoy. She is believed to be a perfect angel and Bart falls in love with her. He quickly realizes she is the devil and nothing but trouble. Jessica tries to blame Bart for stealing the collection money but the town eventually figures out Jessica did it. Bonus Meryl Steep trivia: She was once engaged to the guy who played Fredo in The Godfather until he died of Cancer in 1978.

2 - Reese Witherspoon / Greta Wolfcastle - Reese won for Walk the Line. She plays the daughter of Rainier Wolfcastle, aka McBain. Bart meets Greta at her private school fair and falls in love with Bart. Bart eventually breaks her heart by breaking up with her at the ice cream parlor.

1 - Elizabeth Taylor / Maggie Simpson - Elizabeth has won twice (Butterfield 8 and Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?) She has actually appeared twice on The Simpsons, once as herself not accepting an invitation to The Krusty Comeback Special and she voiced Maggie Simpson's first word. Does anyone know what that was? Daddy, which is what my daughter's first word was. Bonus Maggie Simpson Trivia: What other word has Maggie said? Sequel. She says this at the end of the credits of The Simpsons Movie

Honorable Mention:Helen Hunt played Moe's old girlfriend. Can anyone think of any Oscar winners that I missed? FYI - I didn't include winners that played themselves.